Five Essential Self-Defence Techniques Everyone Should Know

Sep 13, 2023


While carrying self-defence tools is important, knowing how to use your body as a weapon is equally crucial. In this blog, we'll delve into five essential self-defence techniques that everyone—regardless of age or gender—should know.

The Techniques

  • The Palm Heel Strike: This move is highly effective for close encounters. Use the heel of your palm to strike the attacker's nose or chin, aiming to disorient them.
  • The Groin Kick: A well-executed kick to the groin can incapacitate an attacker long enough for you to escape. Use your dominant leg and aim accurately for maximum impact.
  • The Eye Gouge: In extreme situations, targeting the eyes can be your best option. Use your thumbs to press into the attacker's eyes, applying as much pressure as possible.
  • The Knee Strike: This move is particularly effective when you're close to the attacker. Use your knee to strike their groin or midsection, aiming to knock the wind out of them.
  • The Escape Wrist Hold: If someone grabs your wrist, don't panic. Use your other hand to apply pressure on the attacker's thumb, twisting your wrist to break free.

Additional Tips

  • Practice Makes Perfect: These techniques require practice to execute effectively. Consider taking a self-defence class to hone your skills.
  • Be Aware: Always be aware of your surroundings. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid dangerous situations whenever possible.


Knowing a few basic self-defence techniques can be a lifesaver in emergency situations. Consistent practice and situational awareness are key. Check out our range of self-defence tools to complement these techniques.

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