Why to choose air rifles?

Why to choose air rifles?

Why to choose air rifles for self defense?


Air Rifles Target shooting: 


The best PCP air rifles are among the most accurate weapons in the world. So it is not surprise that the air rifle target shooting is so popular. In many countries, such as Germany or England, shooting clubs are common, which bring together friends of target shooting. There are organized tournaments and other measuring of forces between sport shooters. Air rifles and pistols shooting is Olympic discipline too. There also starts a hunter shooting to metallic silhouette and moving targets.

Fun shooting: 

Fun Shooting can be also a hobby which brings a pleasure and practices your condition and other abilities. There is no problem to take your air rifle on vacation, a trip or just go with your friends somewhere, where you can safely enjoy shooting. Safe place for shooting without any problems can be found in the garden 10x10m and u will not endanger your neighbors. Shooting “ at home “ allows you to train anytime you like and you do not need to travel on shooting range. Low energy and quietness of shots allows you to shoot in indoor places.


Why to choose air rifles?
Why to choose air rifles?


Air rifle is an excellent tool for sport shooters during training. Frequent training improves  your skills and teach you to safely manipulate with guns.


Most of target air rifle has a maximum range of 400 meters and shot is very light. Therefore, your neighbor can feel safe, even if you are practicing shooting. Having air rifle at home is much less dangerous than owning a normal gun.

How to choose the right
air rifles for you ?



Choice of air rifles depends on what it will be used.

For Target shooting:

For classic aiming (through diopter) is enough to use airrifle of performance with 7,5J

Fun shooting and target shooting:

On smaller or higher distance will be the best PCP airrifles with great aiming in 4,5mm (0.177) caliber with pressure regulator and bigger air tank. You will need the highest power for shooting on long distance – 16J. A big advantage is charging device and  high quality stock.

Fun shooting and hunting small pests:

For hunting will best suit PCP air rifle of 5,5mm (0.22) or 4,5mm (0.177) caliber. Pressure regulator is not so important for hunting small pests as the perfectly aiming. The essential is also charging device.


Sport discipline Field Target Shooting: 

For this discipline you need a sport air rifle. These types have adjustable stock in all  directions, pressure regulator, larger magazine and amazing aiming. For this discipline there are available a several special airrifles, for example  Air Arms EV2

The shooter may not be the only cause of inaccurate shooting. Here are some tips that can help you to improve your results in rifle shooting.

Allowed screws:

Piston airguns have inaccuracies due to allowed clamping of metal body to a wooden stock. Mostly, there are 2 screws, one in front part of the stock and the second at the trigger. It is very important to have all the screws tightened. Good tightening is a condition to eliminate inaccuracies. However, beware of over-tightening. Much pressure on wooden stock may mean its destruction.


Allowed sights: 

Make sure that the front sight and rear sights are firmly attached to the body of the weapon. If you have fixed sights, the rear sights may not move. If you use a rifle scope you should choose a reliable mounts. For better scopes already common aluminum mounts will not be enough. You will need to use dural or steel mounts. You can always use a specialized workshop to mount your rifle scope. Everything have to be “sitting”, no backlash.

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